Updated Monday, December 4, 2023

Cloudnet has now completed recovering most email and hosted accounts.
Click the following links for new email server settings.

If you have an @cloudnet.com email address,
Click Here for your new email server settings.

If you have an @netlinkcom.com email address,
Click Here for your new email server settings.

If you have an @willmarnet.com email address,
Click Here for the new email email server settings.

If your email is at your own domain, and you have been moved to our hosting.cloudnet.com server,
Click Here for your new email server settings.

If your email is at your own domain, and you have been moved to our hosting3.cloudnet.com server,
Click Here for your new email server settings.

If your email is at your own domain, and you have been moved to out cloudnethosting.com server,
Click Here for your new email server settings.

If you have any issue updating your email server settings,
email tech@cloudnetinc.com with the subject of "Email Update Support".
Include your name, the email address you are trying to update, and a phone number for us to contact you.

We appologize for the inconvenience this has caused all of our customer.

Office hours are Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8:00am to 4:00pm.