And now.... Amethyst Angel Proudly Presents...

The Anime on American Broadcast TV Drinking Game!

So the rights to your favorite anime series have been sold to an American corporation for broadcast on American network (or cable) TV. This is a cause for celebration, right? Well, whether you regard this development as a potential triumph or as a potential travesty, it IS an appropriate occasion for breaking out a bottle (or several bottles) of your favorite beverage and playing along with the Anime on American Broadcast TV Drinking Game!

At this point, in most drinking games you see on the web, people like to place disclosures saying how their site in no way condones the abuse or excessive consumption of alcohol, (although, when you think about it, since these ARE DRINKING games after all, they really kinda DO). All I have to say about the matter is that if there's anyone out there who is stupid enough to try and play this game using REAL alcohol, then they deserve whatever liver-related trauma they bring down upon themselves, and if they should happen to overconsume to the point where they poison themselves and thus remove themselves from the gene pool, so much the better. That's one less idiot we (and the rest of the universe) will have to be worrying about.

And now, on to the RULES:

When watching the Americanized version of your favorite anime series...

*Take a sip for every line of dialogue that's obviously been altered in some way from what it was in the original Japanese version--Sip any time a character says "darn", "heck", "gosh" or "blast". Sip every time you hear the words "get" or "destroy" where you would expect to hear the word "kill". And sip whenever you see a character reacting (or mysteriously over-reacting) in an odd or unexpected way to something another character has said.

*Take a drink if a character starts freaking out at the sight of blood which isn't there. (If you're playing along with REAL alcohol take a drink and keep ON drinking until you start to see imaginary blood yourself).

*Take a drink every time the censors/editors get sloppy and let slip something NOT suitable for the Y7 television rating. (A character screaming out an "Oh My God!", a trickle of blood, or a swear word. And chug if the swear word is anything OTHER than "damn" or "hell".)

*Take a drink for every change or omission the editors/censors made which you find to be absolutely ludicrous. (ie, not letting characters say words like "you suck," "bite me", "scumbag" or any other phrases which have by now become deeply rooted in the vocabulary of most typical three-year-olds in America...

*Take a drink for every change or omission made for reasons other than running time or content. And if you have absolutely NO IDEA why the change was made, drink and keep on drinking until you come upon a theory which makes sense. .(Warning: For those playing along with REAL alcohol and watching the Cartoon Network...You may pass out long before this happens.....)

*Take a drink if the standard for what is censored and what isn't changes noticeably from one show in the series to another. (If the standard should happen to fluctuate wildly in the course of a single episode, chug.)

*Take a drink for each piece of digitally rendered clothing painted onto any of the characters. (Bikinis and briefs both count as separate articles of clothing, so when you see them both being worn by a character, take TWO drinks). Chug an entire bottle for every piece of digitally rendered clothing which you happen to see painted onto a MALE character...

*Take a drink for every character whose name in the American version is different from that which it was in the Japanese version. (Take two drinks of you find yourself wondering how the hell they came up with that new name...)

*Take a drink for every character whose gender in the American version is different from that which it was in the Japanese version. Take an extra sip for any "extra" body parts which have been digitally added onto the character in the course of its sex change for American TV. (Breasts count as two separate items)...

*If you're watching a shoujo series which has been edited to appeal to 7 year old American boys with short attention spans, take a drink for every minute of meaningful dialogue or character development which has been sacrificed so that an action sequence or an unnecessary flashback could be spliced in.

*If the American version of the series has the same amount of commercial breaks as the Japanese version, take one drink.

Take TWO drinks if it also has the original eyecatch.
Take THREE drinks if it has the same ending credits sequence, including the original artwork and ending song complete with unaltered Japanese lyrics.
Take FOUR drinks if it has the same opening credits sequence complete with artwork and unaltered Japanese lyrics. (If it's shown on the Cartoon Network, take four drinks if it has ANY opening credits sequence at all...)

*If the American version of the opening credits sequence is different from the original, chug if the American version happens to be better than the Japanese version.

*Take a drink for every piece of merchandise you see in the stores which is related to any anime series shown on American TV. (This, of course, excludes all merchandise coming from any series with the word "-mon" in the title.) Oh, and you might want to wait until you're out of the store before you take a swig, (especially if you're playing along with REAL alcohol...)

*For every anime series which has been brought over to American TV, and then CANCELLED because it had been edited to death and had had every conceivable entertaining element stripped from it in a misguided attempt to aim it at an audience for which it was not intended, thus guaranteeing it could NEVER find an audience in this a beer and cry into it.

*For every anime series that the FOX network has bought the rights to....see above.....

There are all the rules I've managed to come up with so far. Here are some more, sent in to me by creative readers...

New Additions...

*Go to the liquor store if they skip a whole episode. (If you are watching The WB's Dub of CCS you should get to know the liquor store pretty well...) (Ashley)

*Take two sips if they have managed to make a secondary character almost as important as the main character... (Ashley)

*Take Two sips if a character's name is changed drastically/mispronounced. (Ashley)

*Chug if an entire character is omitted. (Ashley)

*Take one sip if The entire closing sequence is *omitted* in order to run cheesy advertisements for other shows including but not limited to... Power Rangers, MIB, Pokemon, and Digimon. (Ashley)

*Down the whole bottle if large and important plot elements are completely taken out. (once again I would *not* suggest using real alcohol while watching "Cardcaptors") (Ashley)

*Take one drink every time an alcoholic beverage is changed to a non-alcoholic one--tea, soda, fruit juice, etc. Hell, take two drinks--one for yourself, and one for the character who's trying to get smashed and is being deprived of that pleasure by the censors. (Kellee Richards AKA Benzaiten)

*Down the whole bottle if, by some miracle, the editors take an anime series that makes little, if any, sense at all in it's original Japanese form (you Eva people know what I'm talking about) and creatively snip and paste pieces here and there and cause the whole chaotic mess to finally make sense. If, while attempting this miracle, the editors manage to confuse the storyline even MORE than it originally was, drown yourself in a keg. (Shah Mat)

*Take one drink for any kanji that you know of that was removed from an anime. Take two drinks if you see any kanji that has been left IN an anime. (Ranma Saotome)

*Take a sip if a gay character is converted to a straight one (a la Sailor Moon). (Albert Sterling Fisher)

*Take another if the now straight character says that a member of the opposite sex is "cute" or "fine". (Albert Sterling Fisher)

*Take another if the character talks about the opposite sex with any other character. (Albert Sterling Fisher)

*Chug if a character is noticeably gay but edited down. (Albert Sterling Fisher)
--Chug 2 bottles if the character is gay but not edited.
--Chug 3 if two people of the same sex are shown kissing

*Break out the keg if anything sexual other than kissing is shown. (Albert Sterling Fisher)

*Take one big chug if a character talks about something he didn't know yet. (David Schwager)

*Take two big chugs if a section of plot is entirely cut out... and then talked about later! (David Schwager)

*Take three big chugs if a character's new voice is bad. (David Schwager)
--Take five big chugs if it's really bad.
--Down half a bottle if it's horribly sh*tty. Use your own definition.

*Take a gulp every time the music is different from what is should be. For most dubs, this is another one you really shouldn't be doing with real alcohol. (David Schwager)

*Take one good, hearty drink before seeing the premiere episode of ANY anime released to American broadcast television. You need something to keep your spirits up. Maybe it won't be so bad, right? (Daniel Snyder)

*Take a sip any time a character is paired up with someone who they're not supposed to be with in the Japanese. (Eyodius Belladonna)

*Take a drink if a character is taken out, then pops up in an eye catch or flashback, leaving you wondering who the hell that person was... Take two drinks if you're still wondering about it later. (Eyodius Belladonna)

*Down the bottle if the editors attempts to change the sex of a character actually SUCCEED. (Eyodius Belladonna)

*Take a sip if a catch phrase used in the series sounds better in Japanese than in English... Take two drinks if the catch phrase is horribly butchered in English. (I advise not to use real alcohol when watching Gundam Wing; or Slayers when it airs on Fox *wails*) (Eyodius Belladonna)

(Warning: Incoming Dub Rant)
*Down a bottle and go off and shoot Duo's dub actor
(Eyodius Belladonna)
-- or Trunks's
-- or Quatre's
-- or Ryu's
-- HELL! Just shoot ANY dub voice actor you come across!!!
(Eyodius Belladonna)

*Take a drink if the voice of male character is played by a girl.. Two if the original Japanese character wasn't played by a girl... Take three drinks if it actually sounds good. (Eyodius Belladonna)

*Down a bottle if the voice actually fits the character... Buy a keg if it's even better than the Japanese actor's. (Eyodius Belladonna)

*Take one drink if a character uses (a) ridiculous slang/vernacular/lingo/accent. Make it two if it sounds natural. Start a-chuggin' if you start to like a character just because of that, because then you just plain need help. (Damian Hood)

*Down an entire keg if they actually leave religious symbols in the American Dub (Slayers Magic Circles, Evangelion Crosses, etc.) (Kauaii Duo)

*Sip if someone has clearly received wounds from a blow which did not connect! (Richard Raichu ?)

*Down a whole bottle using a beer bong if the American company makes the dub actor/actress sing songs and the actor/actress can't sing. (Remember Minmay from Macross?) (Narrator_andrea)

*Take a drink if a character's voice changes from show to show. (Andy)

***Warning incoming rant from a Robotech fan****

*Chug if two or more show's have been combined into one show(ie Robotech) (Lord Breetai)

*Chug if a scene made more sense in the dub then it did in the original or sub (as in the Bunny ears scene from Robotech Masters) (Lord Breetai)

*Chug every time a really good singer(Minmay from Macross) has been replaced by a horrible singer(Minmei from Robotech) (Lord Breetai)

*Take a sip every time to characters who arn't related in the original are in the Dub(ie Max jenuis(sterling robotech macross) and jennane francois(Dana Sterling Robotech masters)). Chug if in the course of the adoption the characters sexual orientation changes(ie uranus and neptune). (Lord Breetai)

*Down a bottle when a characters voice is so horrible there's millions of rants on it over the internet! No names mentioned of course..*cough* DavidMoo *cough* (Nikora )

*Slam a can of Yebisu (It's Good!) for any Japanese food that mysteriously changes into something American (example: Rice balls become Pastries,Okonomiyaki becomes pizza or pancakes) Slam two cans if it doesn't. (Tarik)

*If anything shown on FOX starts to make sense, stop drinking. Something is wrong. (

*Take a drink each time you see someone playing Shogi, Go, or even Mah-jongg, and it is passed off as Checkers, Backgammon, or Chess. Take two if it is not......(Volfield)

*Take two sips when you're seeing an anime and it's the American, gendered towards 10 year old boys version, and you find something crucial about the emotional plotline that the editors kept.
--Take three sips if it happens more than once.
--Down a whole keg if the editors cut something out and it made SENSE to cut it out (or helped the Americans to understand it (the intelligent ones, at least).
--Go swim in a fountain of *insert beverage here* if the editors ADDED something, and it enhanced the plot line!
(The LoN no Miko)

*Take a swig every time some body parts were "tactfully" covered so that people didn't come in flaming the editors about nudity on a "saturday morning cartoon", whether by sparkly effects or CG clothing. (alcohol not recommended for people watching Sailor Moon or other magical shoujo sentai anime) (The LoN no Miko)

*Take a sip every time the editors cut out blood.
--Take two sips every time they didn't.
--Take three whenever they tried to, but it didn't work very well.
(The LoN no Miko)

*Take a swig every time the prep before the show talks about stuff that doesn't happen.
--Take a swig every time the ending thingie talks about stuff that doesn't happen (like "Sailormoon says" and Escaflowne).
--Chug if they took out the opening prep and ending prep completely because they stuff they talked about was way outta whack.
(The LoN no Miko)

*Take two sips every time the editors stick in transformation scenes (or display scenes with mecha posing everywhere) just to make
the show long enough to hold yet ANOTHER set of commercials. (alcohol not recommended with FOX)
(The LoN no Miko)

*(Addendum to the one about Japanese songs) Chug a whole keg if they left in a song in the middle of the episode that provides some sort of meaning (or is just plain cool).
--Drown youself if they left the song in, but wrote it in english so that it sounds like screaming chickens (or something close). (When a girl who has justice, there by her side, never has to fe-e-ar ^^)
--Drink two kegs if the English mid-episode song is actually BETTER than the Japanese one.
(The LoN no Miko)

*Take a shower in *insert beverage here* if the editor included some elements from the anime's manga counterpart.
--Take a bath if it helped the anime.(if this actually happens, tell me!)
(The LoN no Miko)

*Chug if the editor left in a pun or jibe at another anime/genre in.
--Chug two mugs at once if it happens again.
--Chug three if you can tell they added one.
--Chug a keg if it makes sense and is funny! (à la Slayers Perfect)

*Take a drink whenever you notice that the music has been changed *this includes:
- stupid songs that were made for the series [techno opening for Escaflowne doesn't fit with the orchestral BGM]
- dumb theme song remakes [Di-di-di-digimon? What WERE they smoking when they put that together? Butterfly (the original Japanese opening) is way cuter..and the word Digimon isn't said ONCE!!!]
- the idiot's idea of an English "version", not a translation of a song [it is the crap called Sailormoon...]
- butchered BGM that has been randomly spliced together for no reason at all [oh poor, poor, Escaflowne...Yoko Kanno must've been cringing in pain]

*Chug chug chug if you own the soundtrack of said songs and music or you actually feel pain when hearing that mess they call music... (ryuujinhime)

*Drain the bottle if both occur...Hell, drain a six-pack.... (ryuujinhime)

(Here's a word from someone in the "Anime should NEVER be broadcast on American TV" camp-)
*Just save yourself from a lot of pain. In case you're watching anime on American T.V., fill the bath tub with what you're drinking, drop in toaster, and enjoy your escape.

(All courtesy of Sir Blaze)

-Take a sip if the anime being broadcast looks like it was for children
-Take two if it obviously wasn't
-Take three if some of the original stuff was left in
-Take four and choke if you ever see Sorcerer Hunters on FOX
-Buy out a liquor store if you see UNCUT Sorcerer Hunters on FOX (Double if it's the eps where Gateau and Marron are REALLY obvious!)

-Take one sip if FOX removes the scene in Slayers where Sylphiel is on her knees in front of Gourry.
-Take two if they leave it in.
-Take three sips if FOX cuts out the Slayers and Slayers NEXT eps that involve crossdressing.
-Chug a beer if they leave the Slayers ep in
-Chug two beers if they leave the Slayers NEXT ep in (Note: Chug three if Miwan remains a man ^_^)
-Chug the case if they ever air Slayers TRY, and leave in that last commercial pic of Garv in the Sailor Scout uniform.

-Chug a beer wondering how they are going to explain the Sailor Star Lights when Sailor Moon Stars appear.

-Chug a beer every time the new voice for Serena speaks on Sailor Moon, JUST TO DROWN HER OUT! (Note: This is now how Iraq tortures people, by making them listen to it)

-Get hard liquor and chug that if FOX ever slips up, and allows any of the Naga episodes of Slayers to be shown. (Take a bath in it if the "boing" sound remains)

(All courtesy of Hobbes)

Take a swig every time you hear someone complain "The sub is way better than the dub."
-Take a drink if you consider debating it with them.
-Chug if you actually do it.
-Finish off a keg if you manage to change their mind (Hahaha, yeah, right).
-Down three bottles and go off in a drunken, violent rage against them shouting something about "those damned elitist subbers" if you don't.
-Down a keg if you manage to preempt your favorite anime doing so.
-Take a swig if you can tell the difference between bad voice acting and bad writing.
-Chug if you can't.
-Take a nice big fat chug if you actually get to see your favorite anime for the first time in English THANKS to the broadcast.
-Drink 'till you drop if it wasn't worth it.
-Take a swig every time a show is brought out to cash in on the Pokemon craze (Digimon, Monster Rancher, Medabots).
-Down a keg if it's on FOX, AGAIN
-Finish off two kegs if you actually manage find someone that agrees that Duo's English dub voice is better than his Japanese voice (I'm still looking).
-Take a drink every time a Japanese song is redone in English (Tenchi Muyo)
-Chug if you like the redone versions more than the originals.
-Dunk your head in a bathtub full of beer if the DVD release only has the English dub track (Pokemon, Digimon, Mobile Suit Gundam).
-Dive in if a bilingual version is still going to be released, just "later". (Mobile Suit Gundam)

*You might as well kill yourself with the beer keg everytime you here someone say *Amara* or *Michelle*,or both. (Moonie)

*Down a beer if somebody other than the Sci-Fi channel shows hardcore anime. (William Growden)

*Down two beers if somebody other than the Sci-Fi channel shows Project A-ko. (William Growden)

*Hell, chug an entire tub of beer if anybody other than the Sci-Fi channel shows Fatal Fury 2! (William Growden)

*Take a sip if the anime you're watching is what got you into anime in the first place. (AC)

*Take a chug if you saw the dubbed, edited, American broadcasted version first, and still liked it. (AC)

*Drink the whole keg if it was Pokémon (and it still got you interested in anime.) (AC)

*Take a sip for every time you know what the actual Japanese word/phrase a character used was, and you've never seen the Japanese. (AC)

*Take a chug for every anime you find that's based on an American show or cartoon (yes, these do exist.) (AC)

*Take two if it's better. (AC)

*Drink the whole thing if it's still better when dubbed and edited. (AC)

*Chuggy, chuggy if you actually find yourself excited and prepped to watch the next episode and keep watching, and tell me that brand, cause they put something in there that doesn't belong. (Ishi Ii)

*When an anime makes a DEAD-ON reference to another anime, take three drinks. If it's in a dub and only about five people will get it and they STILL LEAVE IT IN, chug the rest of the bottle (i.e., Yolei's Utena-style fantasy about Mimi on Digimon 02) (Blackjack Gabbiani)

*Take a drink when the American versions add lines of dialogue( even thinking in his/her head dialogue) when there are clearly meant to be gaps of silence for atmosphere. (rude kaiser)

*Take a drink when the current character talking isn't actually shown on screen while talking probably because this is extra unnecessary added dialogue. (rude kaiser)

*Take a drink when the American version adds in a joke that isn't funny. (rude kaiser)

*Take a drink when the American version has added name-calling in it's dialogue (when there shouldn't be ) which makes the anime seem more childish in an attempt to make it cooler. (rude kaiser)

*Memorable instrumental soundtracks are replaced for loud rock music or some other crappy tune that doesn't suit the show. (johnathan teoh)

*If a line in the American version has been changed just for the hell of it . (johnathan teoh)

*The beautifully animated and choregraphed intro with cool and catchy and memorable japanese pop/rock music has been switched for an intro that's just full of scenes and flashes from the show cutted and pasted together in one big mess backed up to a god awful loud, repetitive mindless drivel of a rock song consisting of less than 6-10 words usually consisting of somebody repeating the name of the show over and over and over . (johnathan teoh)

*Take a chug each time a character uses a slang word and tries to sound cool. (I. E."That was sweet" or"man that was so tight".) TAKE 2 CHUGS IF IT SOUNDED CHEESY. TAKE 3 IF U THINK IT SOUNDED COOL. (Chris Encinas)

(All of these are courtesy of Ezeru Kirameki:)

*Drink a whole keg when Cartoon Network lets the opening credits play.

*Chug when you actually hear a JAPANESE WORD in a dubbed anime (thanks to Faye in Cowboy Bebop for pioneering that for us).

*Sip when you get the dubbed (yet uncut) version of Neon Genesis Evangelion on tape and IT NOT ONLY MAKES SENSE, BUT THEY ADVERTISE THE FAN-SERVICE ON THE PREP!

*Chug a whole keg in one gulp when you get the Action Channel (who else shows the uncut dubbed version of Blood Reign, Macross Plus [with Yoko Kanno's original music except for "Voices"] Blue Seed, and Ghost In The Shell uncut subbed?!)

*Sip when you fall asleep during the boat scene. This applies for:
-Dubbed or Subbed
-Ghost in the Shell

*Sip when your favorite show ends inconclusively ("Bang.")

*Buy a liquor store when you find out that: "I SLEPT THROUGH SLAYERS THE WHOLE TIME IT WAS ON FOX KIDS!!!!" (I ain't got the money to buy these tapes!)

*Sip when you discover this truth: "Anime Crack is cheaper." Sorry to whoever said that, I forgot who it was!

*Sip when you realize that Ed ACTUALLY SPEAKS A SMALL PHRASE IN JAPANESE on episode 12, "Jupiter Jazz Part 1" of Cowboy Bebop.

*Chug when you realize that that $100 box set of "Record of Lodoss War" at Suncoast just came on the Reactor for free and you missed it.

*Chug when the ONE MOVIE you missed on Action Channel is also the ONE MOVIE down on (Ninja Scroll)

*Take a bath in :::whatever you're drinking, hopefully not alcohol for this one::: when your first anime was Digimon, however you remember watching Sailor Moon way back when...

*Chug and celebrate when you can proudly say, that although you barely saw it, your first anime movie was "Wrath of the Ninja" uncut (but dubbed)

*Try not to spit :::said drink::: all over the TV when you see the HUGE reference to Sailor Moon when Sasami becomes Pretty Sammy in the dubbed, cut version of "Tenchi Universe"

*Chug when you see the pattern in how they come up with 99.9% of those names on the dubbed version of Digimon, especially season 2 (guilty! :::chugs:::)

*If you are watching a dubbed video of Slayers with Xelloss and you hear his voice, takes out a keg of something strong. (Jen Armitage)

*Take a sip if a characters been changed from a guy to a girl due to sexual preferences, chug if they left an episode in in which this character takes his/ (her in their version) shirt off and did not edit in the "necessary" parts, and keep on drinking if they manage to explain it (ie, Fisheye)

*Drink down to the point of where your chugging is blocking out the audio in the anime for every time you hear a voice that sounds just plain wrong. You'll be doing a favor to your ears and hopefully you'll pass out b4 you go deaf from the ones that are squeaky as rubbing a rubber balloon. (Ale)

*Give yourself a beer if an anime you’ve been following for a while is brought over and people are stupid enough to believe that it’s actually new (Yu*Yu*Hakusho came BEFORE Dragonball Z, not after, damn it!)

(These next few are by Eyochan)

*If there’s an anime that you’ve known and followed for years, and some little weenie who’s only seen the dubbed version for about a year claims that you don’t know anything about that series, grab a keg and whack him over the head with it.

*Take a swig whenever you hear a name or word that was altered because it was close to a swear word (like “gundam” was changed to be pronounced like “gundm” because it sounded too close to “goddamn”)
-- Down the whole bottle if it annoys you to no extent >_<

*Take a sip if the title was changed to something in English
-- Take two if the new title was named after something in the series (like Mahou Tsukai Tai becoming The Magic Users Club, or Bakuretsu Hunters becoming Sorcerer Hunters)
-- Take three if the title was changed to make it a part of something it wasn’t really apart of (like Shin Kidousenki (New Federation) Gundam Wing changed to Mobil Suit Gundam Wing. GW was actually a fan novel that was so popular that they made it into an anime; it’s not part of the original Mobil Suit timeline.)
-- Chug if you if you have no clue how they came up with the English title (like Gensomaden Saiyuki becoming Paradise Raiders, or Slayers Special becoming Slayers Book of Spells), and keep chugging until you come up with something.

* Take a swig every time a character’s name is changed just because it sounds “cuter” (ie: Daughter being changed to Dotta.. Think of how Slayers would be if everyone called Zel “Zelly-kins” because SS thought it sounded cute).

* Take two sips if the screaming is actually believable.

*Take a sip and giggle any time anyone says “Who pissed in his Cheerios?”

* Chug a bottle if the dub was actually good
-- Down a keg if the English was actually better than the Japanese (I’ve actually seen a few cases!)
-- Down a keg then laugh if someone sees something in dub, and tells you that it’s probably better in Japanese(because in these people’s minds, dub=evil), then you tell them that the anime/movie was actually made in English and dubbed in Japanese.

*Take a swig or two if you like a dub character’s catch phrase better than the Japanese (*giggle* I love how Laucorn says Terry Bogard’s name in the Fatal Furry movie ^__^)

*Take a sip if the show that really got you into anime was dubbed.
-- Down the bottle if you loved it so much that you got all three of the seasons, OAVs and movies available at that time in raw Japanese (even if you don’t know any) before the second half of the first season was released (*cough* Slayers *cough* it was a long time ago and I had no life then ^^;;;;)

(The following are all by Essoum)

*Take a swig if a name was Changed to english and only misspelled.*COUGHNOBELLGUNDAMCOUGH*

*Drown yourself in a pool of whatever drink you are using if Fox ever sells the rights to slayers to Cartoon network.(Gawd, I wish..)

*Chug a keg if CN shows Ranma 1/2
-And if it's un-edited, double that.
-Complete with the Shampoo"Look what you do to me!"*Rips off shirt*Scene
-And Ranma still jiggles.
_as does Shampoo(Only in my fondest dreams...)

*Down a bottle if your favorite Character And/or anime is shown on TV, and it's actually BETTER
-If it's Male, take two.
-if it's female, take three.

*Your favorite mecha show was dubbed and shown, and you suddenly realize halfway through the series that half of the names have been pointlessly changed when they could have been kept normal and see all of the voice actors Ad-Libs from seeing the show WAYYYY to many times(Again, G-Gundam.That acurssed Mummy gundam!ARRRGH!)

*Down a can if you cheer at a death or injury
-And it's on primetime,take two.
-if it's on Morning, Triple all amounts of drinkage.(Mosrt of the 6-8 year old are up then, watching it.)

*Sip for each "Jiggle" Or "Boing"

*Any time someone edits the hell out of a classic (i.e. Osamu Tezuka or Hayao Miyazaki's work) drive by the company who did it and throw the bottle or can out the window. (Drk2nite09)

(The following are all by Starling-sama)

* Chug if you are wondering when the heck Slayers came on FOX.

*Spray the TV with a NOSEFULL of *Insert random/selected drink here* if you catch yourself wonderin if this anime ACTUALLY aired in Japan. (Fighting Foodons *Cough, cough!!*)

*Buy a swimming pool of *Insert drink here* if you wonder If all of Megumi Hayashibara's characters are done by Lisa Ortiz. (Lina Inverse, Faye Valentine....Except I'm wondering if Sabrina is done by Hayashibara, Ortiz does her in English.....@_@)

*Buy out an entire alcohol chain if you laugh at the begining of every Poke`mon episode, knowing who Ash's voice ACTRESS is, and who she does in Slayers. (JUSTICE, HINT HINT....)

*Sip if you wonder how the heck Cartoon Network got a hold of Inu-Yasha.
- Swig if you Hate their English Voices.
- Down a can if you find yourself buying the mangas Higher than the episode higher than the one playing. (Guilty! *Downs*)
- Drown yourself in alchohol if you find yourself loving Miroku and saying "I can't wait to hear his voice!", since you have that manga.

* Take a drink everytime you try to figure out if they'll ever give up on making fun of the badguys.

* Chug-a-lug-lug if you find yourself liking the American Voice actor that everyone else hates, even though you hate that character. (*Cough, cough* DAVIDMOO *cough, cough*)

(The following are all by HolyMoly2288)

*Take a gulp when tea is needlessly changed to "coffee" yet is still served in a teapot.

*When some idiot tries to correct you on a name (i.e., Max's last name isn't Jenius, its sterling) grind a broken bottle into their face.

*Fill the house with vodka and drink it all down if cartoon network shows Evangelion unedited.

(The following are all by Holyhands1)

*Every time your parents, reletives, etc. see something on Tv that is mildly directed towards a mature audience (ie. cardcaptures or yugioh) and ask you about it. Take a drink for every hour it takes for them to understand that while that is anime it is "saturday morning anime" and not "hardcore anime."

*Chug it when you have to tie the relative up and tape their eyelids open then make them watch something like Hellsing or the like so they know what you mean by "hard core"

*Chug it when you've been wandering what will happen next in an anime show all night and when you finally turn it back on you find that the editors have taken out the next episode.

*Take a sip every time Sake is portrayed as a type of tea.

*Take a chug every time a character dies but the death is cut out and you are left to wonder what happened to them.

*Take a sip every time blood is shown as black ink.
--Take a sip every time you wander if blood is actually that color
--Pour the drink on your wound if you cut yourself to find out. Then seek professional help.
--Buy a liqour store every time a character is bleeding black from major gushing wounds and red from minor scratch wounds. (Using real alchohol if you are watching the cartoon network version of Inuyasha is not recomended)

*Take a chug every time you are torn between wanting to see dubbed anime so you can understand it and wanting to cause the extinction of the voice actor race.

*When ever you see Hamtaro in an anime store or hear people refer to it as anime take bottle, drain it, then fill it with tears.

*Empty a keg when you realize that most Americanized anime repeats the exact same plot over and over again. (Can someone say DRAGON BALL?!) (Lavalampmaster)

* Sip when you see a charcter with hair that looks like a bunch of bananas. (Warning: using real alcohol for this will cause death.) (Lavalampmaster)

(These are all by ~The Lotus)

* Start chugging when you find out that Goku's dub voice in season 1 is done by a woman...

* Take a sip if Weiss Kreus is ever shown on American TV

*Down a keg if the Weiss Kreus OAV uncut is ever shown on American TV...

*Drink a can for every female voice you find that sounds like a high-pitched squeal.

*Take a long, hard chug every time a charecter gets stabbed, sliced or dismembered and they don't bleed at all.

*Take a longer, harder chug if they do.

*Take a sip every time a random part of the scenery is added in to hide a naked person.

*Take two if the added part doesn't fit the scenery(i.e., a bush in the middle of a desert)

*Take a sip every time editors manage to cut out someone giving someone else the finger.

*Chug every time you see a bra digitally rendered on a charecter who was originally a male.

*Drink till you drop when you realize that there is one anime out there where THE DUB IS ACTUALLY FUNNIER THAN THE SUB!! (Shinesman)

(These are all by ~RE_Leon_Redfield102)

*Whenever you see the Cartoon Network dub of Yu Yu Hakusho, Inu-Yasha, or Ruroni Kenshin, buy several glasses of strong martini, drink them all down, and fill them all with tears.

*If you are watching any of said dubs (or for that matter *any* anime shown on Cartoon Network) and you find yourself actually liking the show as much as you liked the sub or uncut dub, stop drinking immediately. Then call Alcoholics Anonymous.

*Take a chug every time an alcoholic beverage is changed to a non-alcoholic one, and yet the charecter still manages to get drunk.

*Any time a character's mouth is moving when they aren't talking or isn't moving when they are talking, sit down on the sofa and have some quality time with your beer bottle.

*Take two sips every time a few frames of animation are repeated because they had to fill the space where they cut something out.

*Go on a drunken rampage every time you hear the words "Max Sterling"...

(These are all by ~Roxanne-sama)

*Chug-a-lug and curse everytime you see a Hamtaro Commercial.

*Chug if you ever hear Ed's Japanese dialog at the begining of Jupiter Jazz Part 1 in the American version. (Never seen it, wouldn't know.)

*Buy an Alcohol chain if they ever show "Maze: The MegaBurst Space" in America. (Whoa, crap! Hide the children!!)

*Down a 12-pack if you ever see Maze and like it alot.
-*Down a can if you are okay with it.

Down a vodka if they ever show Dragon Half in america.

*Down a vodka if you ever see it.

*Down a can if every night you say aloud: "D--- those Cartoon Network demons!"

*Drink a can of Sak`e when they actually call the drink what it really is in a dub: Sak`e. (Thank you Rurouni Kenshin)

*Swallow a six-pack whole if a character gets drunk in an American anime. (Thank you Kaoru.)

(The following are all by ~Amanda Mantynen)

*Chug three bottles/cans if Urusai Yatsura is ever shown on Cartoon Network

*Chug five bottles and then fill 'em up with tears if it's not on Adult Swim

*Purchase all of the liquor in the world, swallow it, and pray fo rthe second cmoing if FOX shows Evangelion and Dragon Knight back to back on the prime Saturday Morning spot.

*If they are uncut, pray for the end of the world. No amount of booze can help you here.

*If you were one of the "lucky" ones to have heared like Gene yell "You Bastard!" on Outlaw Star or saw Bulma's crotch on Dragonball flashed when the shows first ran on Toonami, fill the swimming pool up and take a nice, long dive. (GUILTY ON BOTH! *swims*)

*If you saw the completely cut form the original Toonami run Outlaw Star episode "Adventures On Hot Springs Planet Tenrei" go purchase all the booze in California. (GUILTY AGAIN! *chug*)

*If you heared that FOX once DID show Evangelion for the first couple eps, chug until you could beat Misato in a drinking contest. then get professional help IMMEDIATELY! (GUILTY AGAIN! *chug chug chug a lug*)

(The following are all by ~Haru)

*Take a swig every time a character mispronounces his/her/its own name
--Take two swigs if he/she/it actually says it right!

*Take a drink every time the dub actor/actress tries (and fails) to pull off a fake foreign accent (i.e. French)


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