The next day...

Hitomi finds herself sitting and pondering over all of the things that have occurred to her since being transported to the planet Gaea... Her thoughts turn to Van, whose form she can see through her window as he climbs into his guymelef, Escaflowne. As she watches, the young king prepares himself for another day's rigorous training with swordmaster Allen Schezar... Allen climbs into his guymelef, Scheherazade and, after giving its long cape a confident flick, turns to face Van...


Seconds later...


 Hitomi shakes her head. At this rate, she thinks, Van will NEVER have what it takes to defeat his brother Folken and the forces of Zaibach. She lets out a sigh, "If only there were SOMEONE around here who could quickly teach Van the skills he needs to be a true fighter..."
She hears a soft, furry noise. She turns her head to see Catgirl Merle sitting on the windowsill nearby....

So, the Girl from the Phantom Moon breaks out her trusty pendant and starts a-swingin'.....

Within moments, a vision pops into her mind..."I see someone.... A large, tough-talking man. A man wearing...Gold chains...Lots of gold chains....LOTS and LOTS of gold chains..."


A strange description, thinks Merle, and an even STRANGER name...Does this mysterious Mr. T actually exist?

Yes he does, and at this very moment, he's down on Earth, cruising down an LA freeway in his custom van... 

Suddenly, a column of light appears above his head... 


Mr. T HATES flying, as anyone who's ever watched the A-Team knows.... Whoever is responsible for lifting his van into the air, be it an alien warlord or some mega-supervillain, or even Britney Spears, had better be prepared to get themselves thrown helluva far...

For now, all Mr. T can do is sit back and not enjoy the ride...

Next page, sucka!