The mysterious column of light deposits Mr. T in an even more mysterious, alien world, a world of unspeakable beauty, much unlike the one he has just left...

There's no smog, no freeways, no strangely dressed people wandering around. So, he figures, he's no longer in LA...but just WHERE IS HE?....
Mr. T climbs out of his van to investigate...

Mr. T shakes his head. Could this just be an optical illusion?

The T's not the only one in this world who is at this moment seeing unusual things...

There he was, gold chains, custom van and all... Hitomi figures that somehow her powers had managed to summon this man to the planet Gaea.... Could this Mr. T really be the man to teach Van the ways of a true warrior?

Allen, seeing himself as the Alpha Male in these parts, feels it is his duty to bid welcome to this strangest of strangers...

Hm, shrugs Mr. T... So there ARE strangely dressed people wandering around here...Maybe I AM still in LA after all....

Allen seems perturbed by this mohawked visitor's brusque manner of speaking... 



Van has no idea who this mysterious chain-wearing stranger might be, but he seems an impressive fellow--And he was sure quick to put Allen in his place.... 

 Hitomi realizes since her powers summoned the T, she is the one responsible for his actions in this world. The first thing to do, she reckons, would be to explain to him where he is and why he is here... Swallowing hard and summoning all of her courage, she approaches the mohawked man...

Next page, sucka!