And so, the training begins, early the next day. Van Fanel and Mr. T meet in a field just outside of town... 

Van plays it cool...

Sword drawn, the young king rushes towards the T at full speed , only, he doesn't step forward far enough and---

"Huh? What'chu say foo'?""

Once Mr. T has placed the boy back on the ground, Van proceeds to unfurl from his back a rather lovely pair of white, feathery wings.....

Mr. T wishes the boy would stop telling him his life story and get him a hanky...


Once Mr. T's allergies subside, his training of the boy eventually continues. Van tells the Mohawked One all about his family and of the ancient race of Altantis, of how it created the world of Gaea and of how its people had the ability to alter Fate according to their will....
Nonsense, thinks the T, no one can mess wit' the future like that....

Little does he know how wrong he is. Unbeknownst to him, at the present moment, a dark shadow is starting to fall upon his own destiny...From far away, his every move is now being watched......

Click here to see who's doin' the watchin'!