The Return of Rezo....


Little do Lina and the others know that Rezo, the  Red Priest, has, (ala Jason and Freddy Krueger), returned from the shadowy realm of the dead, to seek his vengeance upon those who have sent him there….(Unlike Jason and Freddy Krueger however, the pointless sequel which Rezo has agreed to star in here WON'T make him zillions of dollars in box-office receipts and Halloween costume royalties, but he doesn't seem to mind that fact much as he plots his latest, greatest scheme to destroy the Bandit-Killer...) 


Twice before, Rezo-and the Dark Lords he had merged with- had met defeat at the hands of Lina and her companions. But this time, it was the genius sorceress herself who would meet defeat......Rezo's newest plan would see to that.....


Searching through his books of ancient magical lore, the Red Priest had come to discover the existence of an all-powerful dark lord. A potent force widely feared by many throughout the universe. Never, in the history of his many exploits, had this dark lord known defeat. It had even been written that the power of this mighty warrior-- known only as Lord " T "-- might even match that of the Lord of Nightmares…. Rezo knew if he could call forth this mysterious figure to do his bidding, he would be invincible….


Down deep in his secret underground laboratory, Rezo recites the Spell of Summoning……



At that very moment, in a universe far, far away, a certain helluva tough 1980's pop culture icon zooms down the Los Angeles freeway in his black and red 1982 GMC custom van….




 Click here for the answer, sucka!